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31/03/2025 - 04/04/2025 | Free tickets for the Hannover Messe

IG Metall invites its members to the trade fair

The world's largest industrial trade fair will take place in Hanover from March 31 to April 4, 2025. Members of IG Metall are invited to visit the Hannover Messe free of charge. This year's trade fair will once again feature many trends. The focus of this year's trade fair will once again include many trends, such as smart manufacturing, digital ecosystems and energy for industry. This year's partner country is Canada.

Students meet engineers

Students and engineers discuss the industry of the future

19/11/2024 | Students, IT experts and engineers from the IG Metall districts of Berlin-Brandenburg-Saxony, Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt came together for the eighth time to discuss future trends in industry and the world of work.

i-connection network meeting

New Work: Bad check or opportunity for flexibility with sovereignty

04/09/2024 | The biannual meeting of the i-connection network took place on September 2, 2024, under the title ‘New Work: Bad check or opportunity for flexibility with sovereignty’. The focus was on the question of how good working conditions can be implemented in new forms of work and what it actually takes to get employees on board.

From 14 to 29 August 2024

Informatica Feminale and Ingenieurinnen-Sommeruni

24/07/2024 | The registration for the International Summer Universities for Women in Computing and Engineering is open. Both the summer universities will take place on the campus of Bremen University (in presence).

Impulse conference 2024

Dual students discuss work intensification

17/06/2024 | Berlin - At the second edition of the impulse conference for dual students, colleagues from the IG Metall regions of Berlin-Brandenburg-Saxony, Coast, as well as Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt came together to share their experiences in the workplace and in universities. The thematic focus was on the complex issue of increased work density and the associated burdens.

Conference at the "Hannover Messe"

Trade union calls for consistent support for the transformation of the automotive industry

25/04/2024 | Due to the ongoing challenges and dynamic changes in the industry, IG Metall emphasizes the need for a consistent industrial policy and support for the transition to electromobility. As part of its regional automotive conference, IG Metall invited various stakeholders from industry, science and employee representatives to engage in dialogue about the future of the German automotive industry.

22/04/2024 - 26/04/2024 | Free tickets for the Hannover Messe 2024

IG Metall invites members to the trade fair

IG Metall members can visit the Hannover Messe free of charge. The world's largest industrial trade fair will take place in Hanover from April 22 to 26, 2024. This year, the world's largest industrial trade fair once again has many trends in store. The focus will be on topics such as CO2-neutral production, energy, Industry 4.0 and Manufacturing-X, AI and machine learning as well as hydrogen and fuel cells. This year's partner country is Norway.

New year, new laws

That will change for students in 2024

11/01/2024 | The federal government has introduced many legislative changes for the new year. We have summarized the most important points for students.

Agreement at IAV between IG Metall and management

Collective agreement with significant wage increases in 2024 and 2025

22/12/2023 | Employers and IG Metall had recently different positions in the current collective bargaining round. In the first round of negotiations on November 30 , 2023, the employers offered 8.5% wage increase over 24 months, compared to IG Metall‘s demand of 10.5% increase over 12 months.

Collective bargaining round picks up speed

More pay for IAV employees demanded

04/12/2023 | IG Metall is determined to defend the interests of IAV's workforce and is starting the 2023/2024 bargaining round with clear demands. In view of the fundamental changes in the automotive industry and the associated challenges for IAV in the midst of the transformation process, IG Metall is calling for significant investment in the workforce.

students meet engineers

The future of mobility: co-determined

13/11/2023 | For the seventh time, students and engineers from the IG Metall regions of Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt as well as Berlin-Brandenburg-Saxony took the opportunity to discuss future topics at the weekend. This time, the focus was on issues relating to the mobility of the future.

Students are not second-class citizens!

Where is the increase in the BAföG rate?

01/09/2023 | It gives the impression that the interests of students in Germany are of secondary importance to the government.

Current ITC salary analysis

15 percent more for ICT employees with collective wage agreement

04/05/2023 | On average, ICT workers covered by collective bargaining agreements earn nearly 15 percent more than their counterparts in in companies without collective agreements. At the same time, they work fewer hours on average. This is shown by the new ICT salary analysis of IG Metall: ICT employees can also check and compare their own salaries.