Romana -
Talking to each other, learning together and developing new perspectives - that's i-connection.

    What is i-connection?

    Talking to each other, learning together and developing new perspectives - that is i-connection.

    The i-connection network brings together employees, voluntary union representatives and works council members from IT and engineering companies and industries, as well as anyone who wants to learn more about working in these industries. The members of the network are professionals in their jobs and want to stay that way – professional, healthy and with a secure income.

    That's why i-connection exists. We put topics on the agenda that really move people in IT & engineering. These topics are open to anyone at any time. Network members meet three times a year. The meetings focus on skills, training and the exchange of information about working conditions. Network members benefit from presentations by IG Metall as well as from reports by colleagues from other companies. Diverse professional biographies and experiences ensure a lively, action-oriented exchange.

    Why i-connection?

    • The network structure supports local and company initiatives.
    • The discussion and flow of information in the network ensures that issues are addressed that reflect the situation of employees in the IT and engineering sector.
    • i-connection is an "early warning system": by networking information, technical, economic and qualification trends can be identified. This enables employees and works councils to shape change proactively.
    • i-connection is a service for our members in IT and engineering companies.
    • The target group-specific selection of topics is intended to improve access to companies that have so far been largely untapped by trade unions.
    • With i-connection, we want to attract members in the engineering and IT sector.
    • We want to use i-connection to support the establishment of new works councils.